Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blog 21 (Part 1)

Well we are going to attempt to down load stuff to help us with our other stuff to get more stuff... No but seriously wish us luck...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Card Game(Yami Roll)

Ok so my Game is called Yami Roll, and it is called so because I like the name Yami(in Japanese is translated into Dark) and because it requires you to summon a number of monsters with Dice.

How you win: When you have defeated all of your opponents monsters, and make your opponent deck out, you win.

Let us start with how the game works. Each player must have:

1. A Deck of 20 monsters. (A deck is allowed to have up to 40 monsters in a deck. A deck is allowed only three of each card)

2. 2 Dice to Summon monsters. (To summon monsters, you must roll the two dice, and what ever number you roll, you get to summon a monster with that many "Roll Points")

3. There is also an optional Field Card deck that is not part of the 20 card minumum. This separate deck goes right on the far left of your deck and can only contain 5 Field cards. So instead of you being able to draw a regular monster, you draw a field card instead.

Note: You cannot draw a field card if you have no monsters in your deck to draw at the beginning of your turn. You can only draw one if you have at least one monster in your deck.

First you and your opponents shake hands. Then you decide who goes first by rolling any of your die. Then you make your Field. The field is very simple: You have your deck on your right hand side, a "Card Graveyard" on the top of your deck, and your monster Field card zone is basically the space in front of you and in this field you can summon up to 10 monster cards, and only one field card. Then you and your opponent must draw 5 cards from your decks to begin.

Here are the rules for how your turn goes:

1. Draw Phase: If it is you who goes first you draw a card. If you go second, then you do not draw a card.

2. Roll Summon Phase: Then you can roll the dice to make your "Roll Summon". Roll Summon is simple: What ever number you rolled, you can summon a monster in your hand with the same number as the number you rolled, or as I like to call it, "Roll Points".

Example- I have a monster in my hand that takes 8 Roll Points, and I just rolled a 5 and a 3 on my dice, so that means I can summon this monster from my hand.

Note: You don not accumulate Roll Points in this game. What ever number you roll, if you cannot summon this turn, you just skip your Summon, and move unto "Battle Mode". You must get the exact number of "Points" to summon a monster.

3. Battle Phase: If you have monsters this turn, you must battle at least once with your opponents monsters depending on how much Damage Power that card has, is declared the winner of the battle between the two monsters. If your opponent has no monsters on the field, you can attack him/her directly with your monsters, and your opponent must send from his deck to the graveyard cards equal to the number of Roll Points it takes to Summon the card.

Example- The monster which I just summoned had 8 Roll Points, and my opponent has no monsters on the field, I can attack directly, and my opponent loses 8 cards from the top of his deck.

Note: If a player has gone first in this match, then he cannot attack this turn. He can go into Battle Phase after his opponent's first turn.

4.End Phase: You end your turn and your opponent goes now.

There are different types to monsters as well that players can use to there advantage.

1. Light

2. Dark

3. Fire

4. Water

5. Earth

6. Wind

Depending on what type of field card you have, these cards gain a 500 Damage Power Field Bonus. Any additional card affects can be found on the card itself.

So if any of you have any questions, comments, or concerns just comment below. I would have a sample card but my scanner doesn't want to scan anymore so sorry.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What do we do now?

Ok so we got the movie's, we got the program to do this project, we have the nerve to actually do it... I don't think there is nothing else to do except do it and we're basically done... The movie we are basing this project on are Network, V for Vendetta, and Fight Club, and maybe just maybe The Davinci Code...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

My (OUR) project...

Me and jose Pena will be doing a movie presentation about how symbol's are portrayed in certain movies and the movies we are using are Fight Club, V for Vendetta, Network, and more will be posted as soon as we get more information...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Blog 16

I believe that we are living in the Matrix because there has always been this thing in my mind that doesn't accept what I see in front of me. There are times that I have dreams and then they come true. My de'ja vu has also shown me that there is something not right with the world around me. I can't accept this reality in front of me because people sometimes act like machines and they do without thought or intuition. This is why I velieve in Nixon's claim, because people are to much like machines.

I sometimes wonder if the thing in front of me is real or not. I don't know if I'm really drinking this C&C Fruit Punch drink. I don't know if I'm writing with an actual pencil in my hand. I don't know if I'm thinking straight or not. All I know is how I feel, and how I feel is what I have been feeling since the eighth grade: that everything around me is fake. People act like a computer system all the time, like programs there to just be there. You wake up, drink coffe, get on a train, work, lunch, more work, then go home, take a shower, watch T.V., go to bed, repeat. Consistant every single time. When you hang out you go to the same places, talk about the same things every single time.

My dreams are also my reason for not accepting reality because there to many times I have seen what has happened to either me or someone I know. Now my thing about this is that if this keeps happening consistantly than that means to me that human's are to predictable. Like a program that runs over and over until it breaks down and can never be used again. I know in my head that we as a race have been very predictable especially in matters of war. In this "world" we have so many missle silos we could blow up all of earth and kill every single person in the world. The scary part is that the world we live in is just quite possibly a world where everyone is a Duracell Battery.

The dreams I have also tell me that I have also tell me that since our world is probably a fake and so predictable, that sounds like the thinking of a machine to me. We breed not real babies but battery's for the machines to feed off of, in fact we don't breed anymore, we are grown.

This is how the world is in my eyes. This is what I believe our world has become and this is what the author of the book is thinking. I'm pretty sure Nixon feels more or less like me, and I fully agree with his point of veiw of the world.