Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Blog 2(Understanding "The Cave")

This blog will focus mainly on the “Allegory of the Cave”. What is being described in this passage is basically the whole of the human race blinded by the things we see as truth or “the real”. What we define as real are things that we feel, taste, smell, things our brains interpret as electrical signals that we define as real. When we feel a chair or touch a woman or like in the story see shadows on the walls and make a reality of it, we define that in our society as “real” things that happen in “real” life.
Now Socrates brought up an interesting theory: What happens when someone is brought out of that cave to the sunny plains of the world? How would he react? Would he define this new reality of his “real” or not? What happens when he actually gets used to this “new world” he was left in? Would he depend on the other world’s views to guide him? Would his eyes be blinded by the radiant light of the sun, or would his eyes adjust in time?
The reasons why he asked these questions are simple: if you live your life in a cave with other people and all you see all day are shadows on the walls made by people who walk across the bridge lit by fire then your reality all your life will be those shadows. Now others take you out of that cave and you discover a new reality that is far different than the one you knew from below. Now the question is how would you react to such a new reality? Could you tell the difference between what you thought is “real” and what you know is “real”?

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