Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Jack In

Kristopher Rodriguez

Blog 1

Well my whole idea about how are we so linked into the matrix is that when we depend on technology so much in a way that we live with electronics and constantly becoming more advanced with this new software we forget how we are human. We live in a world where we are surrounded by nothing but computer screens computers in offices computers outside on walls hell even on bill boards that people used to work on painting an advertisement that has been outdated by this 57 foot television screen. I see it all the time in Times Square all the time and I mean that is the motherland of LCD screens, I mean literally 47 television screens, and that is only one block for crying out loud I mean how many T.V.’s does this city need to let you know that Sephora just came out with a new perfume?
Seriously toys r us is the one where most people breathe electricity more than oxygen. I should know I spent half my high school career there playing video games. I mean we see enough of this on T.V. mostly we sit there and watch all this stuff and we want to get it and then because we saw it on T.V. we think it’s going to be just like the picture. In the end they will let us down like always and rip us off in the end. I saw it all the time when I was kid whenever I saw this new toy that I had to have I begged my mom to get it for me but in the end I got so bored of it I threw it away the moment it was clean up day. I expected it to be my every need in my room whenever I played but it was just a stupid electronic just like everything else it was never enough for me.
I think a lot of the time people aren’t satisfied with electronics is because they know that in the end there is always a new model that most people are going to want in the future. When we see something and we think we want it we need it I think do we really need all of this? Even my own ipod I look at it sometimes like do I really want all of this music in this one little device everywhere I go? This thing used to get me into more trouble than it’s worth at high school. I used to get sent down to the dean’s office and never get to hear one song at the end of the day because I was so angry that I couldn’t listen to it now. I wasn’t a really clear thinker back then, but still I was a kid like everyone else. Maybe that isn’t an excuse I don’t know. All I know is that this little thing has taken up my life in so many ways. I buy cards for it I buy cases I buy upgrades I live on the computer so much that I’m getting sick of looking up new music for my playlist. It just goes to show me that this world we’re living in is getting more plugged in everyday and I am sick of it.
Everyone saw the matrix. I get that. So why hasn’t anyone seen what is happening to our world? Am I just living in a dream? Or is this the reality that I am faced with to live in?

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